Launch day!

last updates

We have reached the end of our polishing stage and are ready for our first release!
This week we spent mostly fixing the last bugs crawling around in our project.
We have been fixing the last minute appeared bugs, have been applying feedback that was given during the last meeting. Also we have been fixing bugs connected to controller rumbling and breakable platform.

In the sound department there were also some bugs that popped up after playtesting and those have also been addressed.


But naturally it is release day and we do have some stuff to say about that as well.
First and foremost there is a trailer you can watch right here!

We as a team are very satisfied with the result that we were able to deliver and are happy to see that our idea from the start flourished into a project we as developers can enjoy but our playtesters have enjoyed thoroughly as well! It's been a wild ride and we have all learned a lot from this project. It has been a very enjoyful experience and we hope that you will also enjoy the fruits of our labour.

We believe that this game is a great vertical slice and has a lot of opportunities to grow. The mechanics that are in place could be very easily expanded on given the production time. Level designs and extra pickups for example are very easy to expand on. Everything was made in a very modular way so content could be pumped out fast.

Final words

as a final leave we want to thank all the people that have playtested our game and gave us the feedback we needed to make the project as good as possible. We also would like to  thank our supervisors who have steered us in the right directions and redirected our focus when necessary. Last but not least we want to thank you for following the development of the game along and playing our game.

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33 days ago

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