Production sprint 2: week 3

this was our last week of production and therefore our last features have been implemented, we are proud to say that we reached the scope we aimed for !
Some slight hiccups did happen but these things happen. Here is the latest news for each of the departments that worked on the game.


this week we have fixing bugs in multiple mechanics: final screen appearing all the time,even if player did not collide with finish line. Also all the bugs with platforms are fixed. After it we added the mechanic that if there is only 1 player left, he does not finish the game but the finish screen widget is appearing.

Player interaction has now been improved even more as this is our last week of production. There are now have 2 working items: the beer bottle from last week and a throwable axe. When the axe has been thrown it will fly in the same direction until it hits a player, and if it does the player will be stunned (immobilized) for a certain period of time. Besides that we added everything else needed for a game that needs to be shipped: UI! We have a start screen, a player join screen and a countdown before the game starts. This means that you can now play with 2-4 people, without having to deal with the other spawned actors you can't control. Each player will now also have a different color, meaning you'll finally be able to recognize your beard from others. Hooray! A final small update to make the game feel better is that you will now be unable to control the character a few seconds after respawning.


This week we made some props that adds to the narrative part of our game. Since our game is about drunk vikings celebrating midsummer day. We made an authentic maypole prop, to make players feel the atmosphere of this day. We also made a stylized viking totem for the same purpose. We designed and modeled the starting location which is to high cliffs and the wooden pole between them with some flags hanging on it. This adds the feeling of running competition to the game. Finally we made a set dressing of the main level, filling it with foliage,rocks and other props. So now our level looks complete and full of different interesting details that will entertain players during the gameplay 🙏

All of the UI has been created as well so the menu's are officially in place, however we have one bit of bad news. In the past devlogs we've touched upon having issues getting our animations to work and it's been a struggle for weeks to get this to work. After our last week of production we did not get to get these to work, maybe there is a small chance we can fix this in the polish week but we will see.


A lot of what was left over to implement has been added into the game all the obstacles, pickups and UI elements have their respective sound systems setup. Mixing will be done throughout next week to make sure you definitly hear those pesky obstacles the loudest!
Since we ran into the animation issues a lot of the characters sounds like footsteps and landing sounds did not make it yet into the game. You still have the joyous sounds of our vikings screaming it out or burping from a drink too much ;) to enjoy.

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41 days ago

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