Finished Prototype


This week was spent on finishing our documents and setting up a first playable prototype , it is best played with conntroller if you want to try it out. A lot of polish will be needed but we believe that this first version of the game is promising for production.


This week we put everything together in 1 big project and also finished up some objects that weren't fully done yet. There are now 3 pickup objects that the player can pick up, which puts the item in their inventory. They can then throw an item that they're holding and if it hits another player they will get a certain effect. The effects (stun, drunk with offset & drunk slow down) are also updated to be a bit smoother and less buggy. The game is also now playable with 2 people on keyboard, but this is only meant for playtesting purposes and will be removed in the final version of the game as not everyone has 2 xbox controllers and thus would otherwise not be able to test things. Controller is still the intended input and will play way better!!!


We worked a lot on the artbible this week, nailing the layout and the readability was important and took a while. We had trouble exporting every single folder in photoshop to a pdf but it worked out. We made a shader in unreal and tested to see how our sky box will look and if it will look good, we also spent some time looking if animations will work in unreal engine (does an fbx file carry a skeleton for the rig? And is it compatible to run animations?). We made the level in unreal with satic meshes and blueprints for the finished built. We made sure level is fun to play, the gameplay is competitive enough and all obstacles work well together. We also tested the dimensions on the level.Made research on the structure of the level to make sure it is equally entertaining to play with 2,3 and 4 players at the same time.


This week on sound we spent writing out the sound bible in more detail, making a lot of decisions when it comes to implementation methods. The communication was made between programmers and sound to determine how mechanics will trigger in the game and where the implementation can happen.
The audio asset list was also put together in preperation for production. Decisions were made for compression methods and spatialization.
The demo render we made still stands since our mood for the game did not change.

In the prototype some sounds were implemented to test out our implementation methods, not all of it has sound due to time shortage.

Files 236 MB
97 days ago

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