Production sprint 1: week 3

This week marks our final week of the first production sprint. It has been a sprint with ups and downs but we are already proud to present that we have a gameplay loop set in place! So go wild and test the version that is downloadable on the itch page and also attached to this post.

Next weeks we will be jumping straight into production sprint 2 to finish up all the mechanics we still need to tackle.


we put everything together in 1 level instead of seperate levels, and finalized the core game loop. The camera will now follow the players, players will die if they are not visible to the camera and if you fall off the platforms then you will respawn at the nearest checkpoint.
This gives the player infinite attempts for an obstacle so it isn't immediate game over, comebacks are always possible in drunkrush!

In the main level you can now also find all the obstacles we've created and some special platforms to toy around with. Get ready to be competitive because there is a finish line and you can tell who won the match!


This week we set up the final lighting for the level. We finalized the water shader. We also made modular pieces of background landscape for the level.Cliffs and rocks on the side of the level. Not walkable/interactable elements- decorations. After testing the gameplay, we noticed that from the selected camera angle, the areas of obstacles (places where the player can be hit by obstacles) are not always clearly visible. We considered it necessary to design and make visual cues so that the player understands where the obstacle action zones begin and end. For this purpose, we have designed modular metal borders that help the player understand the area of obstacles activity.

We also finished the model for our viking so you know have a visual, It is not yet visible in the game sadly due to our animation issues still being at large but no worries we will tackle this issue in sprint 2 so do stay tuned for that here you already have a sneak peak at the viking!


When it comes to our sonic part we've implemented a lot of the sounds that were designed beforehand, in the main level there is music, ambience, SFX and even playerfeedback for when a player won . Last but not least there is a change in the music when a winner is declared!

The coming weeks will be mainly focussed on getting those character sounds in there : the interactions with other objects and the player sounds itself.

Files 254 MB
68 days ago 268 MB
61 days ago

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